Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What does a network support technician do?

Network support technicians undertake tasks related to network development and maintenance. They also troubleshoot computer issues and provide technical support and guidance to employees. The purpose of this job is to create and maintain well-functioning network systems that help the business operate smoothly. Network support technicians usually work full-time hours. Because companies often require their computer systems to run constantly, evening and weekend work may also be required. This job is well suited to people who enjoy working with technology, have strong problem-solving skills, and take an analytical approach to their work.

Network Support Technician Duties and Responsibilities
Network support technicians carry out a variety of duties depending on the organization they work for. Based on job listings we analyzed, their duties typically include:

Design and Install Computer Networks

One of the network support technician’s primary tasks is designing and installing computer networks that run as effectively as possible to best serve the company’s business goals and daily operations. This involves checking connections and cabling and testing that devices are working as they should.

Troubleshoot System Failures

Network support technicians inspect system failures to identify the problem and highlight any bottlenecks that could slow down the network. They ensure the network and infrastructure are as efficient as possible and fix any problems or bugs that have been identified.

Test Software

A key part of this job is testing software to configure it correctly, in addition to maintaining or repairing hardware and devices when issues arise. Regular tests and data backups are performed regularly throughout the year to ensure the system works efficiently at all times and to protect the company’s data.

Organize Upgrade Schedules

Network support technicians regularly organize and plan system maintenance to check everything is running as it should. They schedule these checks in advance to avoid interrupting daily workflow. They also evaluate the network’s performance to see if it can be improved.

Provide Technical Guidance

Network support technicians help colleagues or clients with their computer and network usage problems, offering technical direction, instructions, and advice where they can to resolve the issues.

this article was originally published on ——- read more

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